Jelly Tanks Series One


Descripción de la exposición

Jelly Tanks Series One is the origin of the project Mineralia, where the different artworks are inspired by the idea of “Mineral”.

[…] two bodies cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Roger Caillois

The research process converge in the only two elements, jelly and tank, which synthesizes the concepts of «hard» and «soft», creating a dichotomy, because the two elements are homologous and opposite between them at the same time.

The kitara divide minerals into “males” and “females”; the first, hard and black, are found on the surface of the earth, while the «female» minerals, soft and reddish, are extracted from the inside of the mine, being essential the mixture of both “sexes” to obtain a fruitful fusion. Mircea Eliade

The creative process explorer’s different techniques, as risograph, but the construction of the image is made with digital painting in high definition. Painting is the process that defines the language of Jelly Tanks Series One.

In the 17th century, Tch’en Ki-jou listed in his tractate on Virtuous Entertainments the favourable conditions for appreciating painting. Among them, he pointed out: «Being surrounded by rare stones».Roger Caillois

The result is translated as an explosion of colors that emanates “the smell of stones”.

The nothingness of the sky is called emptiness, the nothingness of the mountains is the cave, the nothingness of man is withdrawal, the vacant room of his dwelling or heart. One enters into the Heavens-Caverns by stooping, crawling, making yourself smaller. Only those who know how to become microscopic find asylum in them, or can circulate through them.[…] […] It is a matter of scale. Every stone is a potential mountain. Roger Caillois
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La Cerdaña a pinceladas
11 Mar 24 - 11 Mar 25
Luz de mar


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